Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Culture And Second Language Learning Essay Example for Free
Culture And Second Language Learning Essay Through the conduction of studies, it has been discovered that learning a second language, particularly in a situation where second language learning is given particular importance, requires an immersion into the lingua and cultural societies of the native speakers of the second language that is to be learned (Wan 44-45). This requirement is extremely important to be followed as the immersion on the societal components of the second language of the native speakers helps the learner to obtain more hands-on learning benefits when trying to acquire second language abilities (Wan 45). Literature Review Although numerous language specialists do conclude that culture and social groups exercise great influence on the acquisition of second language abilities, these specialists are still bound to not realize that the components that involve this situation are interconnected and are not distinct entities from each other (Wan 46). It is crucial to understand that learning a second language involves factors that cannot exist without the existence of other factors (Wan 47). Most recently, it has become a trend to become immersed in the culture of the native speakers of the second language through the use of the internet (Wan 47). Numerous second language learners browse the web in order to get immersed into the native speakers’ culture (Wan 47). Numerous second language learners can definitely learn through the utilization of this method as the web has got a lot of information from around the world to offer to the browsers (Wan 47). Methodology And Data Analysis Result of the surveys participated in by English language learner students: 3 1. Methodology: They have had difficulty forming friendships due to language barriers. Data Analysis: A little over 65 % of these people have had trouble forming friendships with English native speakers in the United States due to language differences. It is often uncomfortable to form a friendship with people whom you often encounter difficulty in conversing with. An interesting conversation turns sour when you have difficulty conversing with someone. The people who face this difficulty with English native speakers often become lonely while living in the United States if they are not able to find friends that share the same language as them. 2. Methodology: They have had difficulty achieving their academic goals than they would have if their instruction at school were conducted in their native language. Data Analysis: Although non-native speakers of English who are proficient in English are the only non-English speaker foreign students who are admitted for formal academic studies at schools in America, English proficient non-native English speakers also still encounter difficulty in their academic studies than they would have if the instruction was conducted in their own language. This is such the case as the mentioned students still are not used to the English language. These students most usually converse with their circle of influence in their native language, hence, this situation causes them to become awkward in utilizing the English language in their academic studies as well. The most objective advice that can be recommended from this situation is for the students to use the English language often even when conversing with non-native English speakers who form their circle of influence. Or, it would be better if these students would be able to find native English speaker friends who would be willing to practice conversing with 4 them in English on a regular basis. It would also be helpful for these students to practice sharpening their English language writing skills through regularly utilizing writing drills. 3. Methodology: Language barriers often make the students feel a longing to go home to their country. Data Analysis: Numerous students who experience difficulty learning English in the United States are usually not able to adjust to their social environment in the country. As a result they often feel that they are social outcasts and feel that they don’t belong in the community. Because of this situation that they may get into, they may become inclined to go back to their home country. 4. Methodology: Language barriers may have the tendency to make the students inculcate a lower self-esteem. Data Analysis: The students feel that they are not smart enough as they are not able to efficiently learn a second language. This dampens their spirits of good self-esteem. 5. Methodology: These students become the targets of discrimination pranks in the United States. Data Analysis: Numerous of these students become the victims of prank jokes just because of their limited English language abilities. They are seen as vulnerable group of people as they create a self-image of being dumb or â€Å"not smart enough†due to their limited English language abilities. 6. Methodology: These students become too dependent on an English proficient relative, family member or friend while in the United States. Data Analysis: This becomes the situation as the students may not even be able to convey simple information to strangers (e. g. , giving orders at a restaurant) due to their limited 5 English language abilities. The mentioned family member, relative or friend may eventually feel that these students are becoming a burden on them as time goes on. 7. Methodology: Numerous students are reluctant to learn English as a second language because they feel that learning it would cause them to somehow exhibit disloyalty to their own language and culture. Data Analysis: It now a common trend that people do somehow paint a picture on other people as being â€Å"colonially influenced†if they try to learn a second language. This causes these second language learners to become self-conscious when trying to learn a second language. If these people become too self-conscious to learn a second language, they may also give up the pursuance of a goal to move to another country and other goals that come with it. 8. Numerous people abandon their culture altogether and adapt the culture of the native speakers of the second language that they are learning. Learning a second language ultimately also causes one to get immersed in the culture in which that language belongs. Therefore, there are times that the culture of the learners gets totally abandoned as these learners try to learn a second language. This situation is sometimes viewed negatively by others. Results Learning a second language definitely has its ups and downs. The learners would just have to weigh in whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages as a basis in making their decision to learn a second language. However, we can definitely see that as long as the teaching of the second language is executed properly, numerous students are able to learn the language efficiently and utilize their second language fluency in worthwhile activities and 6 and professions. Discussions Three questions need to be answered in order for specialists to improve second language teaching and learning (Conference Probes Second Language 1). These questions are the following (Conference Probes Second Language 1): 1. What are the strategies on research that need to be executed in the implementation of second language education in America (Conference Probes Second Language 1)? 2. What are the strategies on research on the execution of second language education in the United States that need to be improvised (Conference Probes Second Language 1)? 3. What are these research strategies that are deemed to be effective (Conference Probes Second Language 1)? Reading, writing and speaking fluency of a second language does not come automatically if one has acquired extensive knowledge on the language usage (Swiderski 4). A culture’s main foundation is the official language that comes with it (Swiderski 6). When one first learns a language, he/she automatically first learns its corresponding culture (Swiderski 6). A language mirrors its corresponding culture (Swiderski 6). However, the language and the culture are not exactly similar in every ways (Swiderski 6). Because when learning a language one learns all about its usage, its interconnected component, culture, is also being learned during the process of learning the language (Swiderski 6). Therefore, language and culture are still 7 Regarded as separate entities (Swiderski 6). We can really see that a language tells about what kind of culture it evolves in (Swiderski 13). For example, a classroom where an English language learning class is held comprises of styles and settings that tells about the culture of the country where the school that houses the classroom is located (Swiderski 13). Significant differences in the way that the English language is used among the native and non-native speakers of English are considerably noticeable (Lucas 59). However, there are some questions that arise from this conclusion (Lucas 73). These questions are the following (Lucas 73): 1. Do the students make requests to their professors directly or indirectly (Lucas 73)? 2. Is politeness evident in the way that the students make the requests (Lucas 73)? Conclusions Charles Hutchison, Lan Quach and Greg Wiggan wrote in their article entitled, â€Å"The Interface of Global Migrations, Local English Language Learning And Identity Transmutations Of The Immigrant Academician,†English language instructors who experience teaching students belonging to different cultures, experience the following culture shock situations: 1. Problems in differences in teaching and learning. 2. Problems in differences in curriculum and assessment. In the article entitled, â€Å"The Interface Of Global Migrations, Local English Language Learning And Identity Transmutations Of The Immigrant 8 Academician,†using the social-constructivist (and cognition) theories as references, instructors of English language classes experience changes in the way they view language through the following ways: 1. They may be forced to conform to the students and their circle of influences’ viewpoints and theories. 2. They may experience communication barriers. Furthermore, the authors state in the article that the English language instructors come to realize who they really are and their vocation objectives due to the following reasons: 1. They shape what types of people their students become and their students’ self-esteem. 2. They struggle in helping their students realize their own identity as a minority in the United States. 9 Works Cited Hutchison, Charles, Quach, Lan Wiggan, Greg. â€Å"The Interface of Global Migrations, Local English Language Learning And Identity Transmutations Of The Immigrant Academician. †Forum On Public Policy: A Journal Of The Oxford Round Table (2006). Lucas, Sigrun. â€Å"Students Writing Emails To Faculty: An Examination Of E-Politeness Among Native And Non-Native Speakers Of English. †Language, Learning Technology 11 (2007): 59, 73. Swiderski, Richard M. Teaching Language, Learning, Culture. Westport: Bergin Garvey, 1993. Wan, Shun. â€Å"Second Language Socialization In A Bilingual Chat Room: Global And Local Considerations. †Language, Learning Technology 8 (2004): 44-47. â€Å"Conference Probes Second Language Research Needs. †Reading Today August 2001.
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