Monday, December 30, 2019
Analysis Of Remember And War Photographer - 1226 Words
English Literature: Analysis of the portrayal of death in, â€Å"Remember†and â€Å"War Photographer†: The two poems I am writing about today, â€Å"Remember†by Christina Rossetti and, â€Å"War Photographer†by Carol Anne Duffy are both poetical works associated with dying and also within â€Å"Remember†the apprehensiveness of the afterlife. â€Å"Remember†is written in first person, the poet is the speaker, and is contemplating various events which will happen after one has died or a loved one. â€Å"War Photographer†is in third person, the poet is describing a war photographer organising the photographs he has taken from the war and there is a sense of regret he is not involved within the fighting he is taking pictures of. â€Å"Remember†deals with death in a personal way, as the person themselves is dying or is dead; whereas in â€Å"War Photographer†the person is not directly dealing with death as personal as that of Rossetti’s poem and is instead relaying how horrific he finds death, displayed in the soldiers he phot ographs. Carol Anne Duffy wrote the poem because she had a friend who was a war photographer, and felt compelled to write of how it felt, especially morally, to be taking pictures of disasters such as war photographers do. On the other hand, Christina Rossetti wrote her poem with the pretence of exploring the physical struggle between the world we live in and the afterlife. The language of both poems differentiate from each other. In â€Å"Remember†there is refrain of the title â€Å"remember†Show MoreRelatedPhotography and the Civil War Essay1603 Words  | 7 PagesMathew Brady change people’s perception of the Civil War? This investigation evaluates the ways in which photographer Mathew Brady changed the American perception of the Civil War. The focus of the investigation is on the growth of photography during the Civil War, a small bit of background on Mathew Brady, and his involvement on the battlefield as a â€Å"battlefield photographer†. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Macbeth, By William Shakespeare - 1457 Words
The play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, presents many societal issues, such as the influence of superstition and the supernatural, as well as the continuous desire of the human race for progress and ambitious fulfilment. What a person chooses to do in order to fulfil those desires depends on the individuals themselves, and in the case of Macbeth, he turns to murder in order to advance his social and political standing. The audience’s perception of Macbeth changes throughout the play, beginning with feelings of admiration and approval of his deeds and character, and ending, with the play and as well as his life, as feelings of contempt and disgust at his treachery. This is achieved mainly through the progression of Macbeth’s character development, as well as through the dialogue of himself and other characters. The characterisation of Macbeth in the beginning of the play constructs him as as a meritorious and noble person, who returns from war as a hero, and has the title of Thane of Cawdor bestowed upon him. These traits are established as part of Macbeth’s character before his first appearance, positioning the audience to view him in a positive light, as the protagonist of the play. He is described by King Duncan as his â€Å"valiant cousin, worthy gentleman! (1:2:26)†. Macbeth is commended by many others, for he is â€Å"brave Macbethâ€â€well he deserves that name (1:2:18)†. The build up of praise for Macbeth serves to provide a shock factor for the audience, leaving themShow MoreRelatedMacbeth by William Shakespeare770 Words  | 3 PagesThe play Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare. It is believed to be written between 1603 and 1607 and set in eleventh century Scotland. It is also believed to be first performed in 1606. It is considered to be one of the darkest and most powerful tragedies. Macbeth, set in Scotland, dramatizes the psychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen to fulfill the ambition of power. The Tragedy of Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy and tells the story of Macbeth, a ScottishRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1425 Words  | 6 PagesMacbeth Just Can’t Wait To Be King Everyone has a quality that they do not like about themselves. Some people struggle to be social, others may be too controlling of people. The list goes on and on, but the point is that everybody has a particular quality that they must learn to control or else that particular quality can get out of hand. Of course, one could write a list of characters that have major flaws. There is no better example than William Shakespeare’s character, Macbeth, in The TragedyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1409 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.†On October 17th, I had the pleasure of going to see Macbeth performed at the Shakespeare Tavern. Along with its reputation for being â€Å"cursed,†Macbeth is also known as one of the crown jewels of William Shakespeare’s repertoire. In my opinion, the central concept of this particular retelling of the play was the murkiness of character. Throughout the pla y, the many characters go through fierce temptation and strife, and noneRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1203 Words  | 5 PagesMacbeth is a play based on King James I, it was written by William Shakespeare, however this play isn’t a king and queen fairy tale, but it’s a play about greed and guilt, chaos and murder and three evil witches who use prophecies to influence Macbeth to do bad things, using flattery would instigate his inner ambition to become king, which in the end doesn’t lead to a very happy ending. Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, was written in the early Jacobean period. During those times, women had no power, theyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1243 Words  | 5 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Macbeth†, the author portrays the main character Macbeth as a very tortured and flawed individual whose actions only serve to further unravel him. He is conflicted and power hungry, which drives him to perform evil murders and become a ruthless person. Macbeth’s moral compass is not resilient enough to withstand his wife’s manipulations and he is provoked to act on his malicious thoughts of murder. The author explores the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can haveRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare Essay1487 Words  | 6 Pagesreaction†. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tale which illuminates the consequences of violating the â€Å"Natural order†, the hierarchy of beings in the universe. When Macbeth, a warrior wel l-known for his courage and bravery, murders King Duncan acting on his unchecked ambition to claim the throne, the order was disrupted, the result†¦chaos. Shakespeare uses symbolism to illustrate the atmosphere of the play as the natural order is flung into a state of turmoil. These techniques used by Shakespeare is usedRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1483 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent references in the play of how a king deals with power and if they use it for better or for their own personal gain. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s obsession with his journey to power leads to his failure. This obsession is demonstrated through the prophecies, the murder of his best friend Banquo, and his own demise. Macbeth demonstrates that he is incapable of mastering the power and responsibilities of being a king. This is indicated throughout the play with theRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1045 Words  | 5 PagesBlood appears in only two forms, but many times in Macbeth by William Shakespeare; between the war scene at the beginning of the play and the lifting of Macbeth’s severed being lifted by Macduff at the end. It can be said that Macbeth could have been written in blood that there is such a large amount. What is unique about blood in Macbeth is that the â€Å"imaginary blood†or the guilt that the murderer feels plays more of a role of understand and amplifying the theme of the play, that blood is guiltRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1431 Words  | 6 Pages Macbeth, though originally a valiant and prudent soldier, deteriorates into an unwise king whose rash decisions conclusively end in the atrophy of his title, power, and position. Several facto rs contribute to the downfall of Macbeth, which produce a contagion effect and ultimately end with his demise. He receives help from his â€Å"inner ambitions and external urgings†which result in his downfall (Bernad 49). The â€Å"external urgings†consist of the weird sisters who disclose his prophecies, which enlightenRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1320 Words  | 6 PagesThe oxford dictionary definition of guilt, 1, the fact of having committed a specified or implied offence or crime, 1.1, a feeling of having committed wrong or failed in obligation. In Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth, the titular character and his wife Lady Macbeth kill the King in order to become King and Queen themselves, this came with consequences which are still relevant in society today. The guilt they felt and the relevance to sleeplessness are common topics almost four hundred
Friday, December 13, 2019
School Of Allied Health Science Education Essay Free Essays
string(36) " possess the above accomplishments\." Distance acquisition, sometimes called e-learning is here defined as synergistic acquisition in which the acquisition content is available on-line and provides automatic feedback to the pupil ‘s acquisition activities. Online communicating with existent people may or may non be included, but the focal point of e- acquisition is normally more on the acquisition content than on communicating between scholars and coachs. Distance acquisition and its relationship to emerging computing machine engineerings have together offered many promises to the field of education. We will write a custom essay sample on School Of Allied Health Science Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now A In pattern nevertheless, the combination frequently falls short of what it attempts to accomplish.A Some of the defects are due to jobs with the engineering ; others have more to make with disposal, instructional methods, or students.A Despite the jobs, many users like engineerings such as tight picture and see continued growing in the country. However, distance acquisition is no such advantage is that it is easy, a individual can analyze without go toing categories or talks, while working or making some other class. It is besides a good option for homemakers who are non able to inscribe into classs because they have to take attention of immature kids, merely trade with computing machines and have their ain clip to larn and besides can pass on with coachs and equals via online such as electronic mail, forum and confab. . In distance instruction classs, you would be provided with study stuff and besides would hold to subject assignments on clip. These assignments would be assessed by professors who would direct you feedback. However, if you are be aftering to inscribe into distance acquisition, you need to to cognize about some of the distance larning pros and cons. Like every good thing, even distance acquisition has some disadvantages that can do it look a small inconvenient for people. The job may be due to factors balance between personal and learning jobs. If pupils can non accommodate to the system of distance acquisition, they will confront a different job. In add-on, deficiency of cognition and accomplishments about utilizing engineering and computing machines, linguistic communication accomplishments, particularly English linguistic communication, disorganised manner of larning to blend work jobs, household and survey clip. These are some of the distance acquisition advantages and disadvantages. Before doing a determination, it is of import to weigh the distance larning pros and cons. Though distance acquisition can be termed as a utile and convenient manner to derive cognition and to higher one ‘s making, whether it would profit you would wholly depend upon your personality and attitude. Here we will discourse in more item about the jobs faced by on-line scholars and solutions or suggestions can be followed so that any jobs that arise can be resolved satisfactorily. So it is of import to place the job faced by online scholars because without this cognition, possibly the scholars will lose their focal point and motive THREE MAIN PROBLEMS FACED BY BEGINNING ONLINE LEARNERS Despite the promises and obvious advantages to distance acquisition, there are jobs that need to be resolved.A These jobs include equilibrating the combination of work, household and instruction, analyze wonts and deficiency of accomplishments in technology.A Each one of these has an consequence on the overall quality of distance acquisition as a product.A In many ways, each of these issues relates to the others.A This is one of the major job which will do them believe twice earlier decide to progress their survey. The first job faced by on-line distance scholars is in equilibrating the combination of work and instruction. Most of the unfastened and distance scholar normally have many committednesss and duties that they must go to while making their educational ends. Many of them are married, work full clip and of class have kids. If non carried out, all of this can do the pupil bead out from their acquisition. Job duty is already daunting, allow entirely the household and the acquisition, so big scholars have limited clip to make their survey. The undertaking of equilibrating all of the above duty is genuinely disputing for most of them. The 2nd issue is in geting go on-line distance survey wonts. The pupils ‘ mundane environment is really deflecting for most of the pupils. Unlike traditional university pupils who are ever in their acquisition community which supports them most of the clip, on-line distance pupils are non. Distractions such as friends inquiring for dark supper and married woman demanding to travel shopping at the promenade every weekend are among other distractions faced by pupils. Geting some clip in a twenty-four hours to analyze is rather a difficult undertaking to finish. Online distance scholars besides have a difficult clip in being independent and responsible to their ain ego. Most of the clip, there is no 1 about to supervise the pupils larning procedure. The openness of the on-line distance plan gives pupils the freedom to make their acquisition procedure whenever they like but most of the clip, cunctation is the perpetrator. Unfocused position of their acquisition ends besides will do the pupils act irresponsibly towards their acquisition. The 3rd issue is on-line distance scholars besides face jobs in acknowledging and get the hanging strengths and accomplishments in Information Technology ( IT ) . In on-line distance acquisition, engineering is the chief conduit which information and communicating flow. A computing machine with internet entree is normally needed for this procedure and its application will necessitate the user to get the hang certain degree of skill. Some of these jobs arise from a deficiency of preparation, some from the teacher ‘s attitudes about utilizing the engineering, and still others by hardware problems.A It seems to be self apparent that teachers need to be trained to utilize distance larning engineering, but excessively frequently they are not.A The pupil will besides necessitate to hold some basic authorship accomplishments and travel on-line distance bid of English linguistic communication. Unfortunately, non all of the pupils possess the above accomplishments. You read "School Of A llied Health Science Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" 3.0 THREE LOGICAL AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTION ON WAY TO REDUCE OR ELIMINATE THE PROBLEMS FACED BY BEGINNING ONLINE LEARNERS Adults pupils largely do non hold the luxury of go toing college on a full clip footing because of their work and household duties. They frequently experience jobs which, if non overcome, can ensue in the derailing of their educational ends. There are things that they can make though to assist get the better of the typical jobs that arise. The first solution is scholars must pull off and be after themselves efficaciously in order to equilibrating work, household and survey. They have to use smart clip direction. Avoiding stalling a must. They must be more responsible and have a focussed position towards larning. They must besides larn to better themselves in countries they are missing ( such as composing accomplishments, computing machine accomplishments, note taking accomplishments and English linguistic communication accomplishments ) because non all accomplishments will be taught by the coach. They need to actuate their ain ego by puting accomplishable ends and have a positive attitude. The 2nd solutions are start with less demanding class. There tends to be some ambitious classs that must be completed by pupils, there is seldom a demand that these should be the first 1s studied. Therefore, get down with less disputing 1s that you find more gratifying ab initio so as to construct assurance. This assists in acquiring used to the college atmosphere and the demands of class work once more. Furthermore, every pupil make a survey calender to detailing scrutiny day of the months and assignment due day of the months on a dedicated calender helps to avoid the rushing of assignments at the last proceedingss or exam cram Sessionss. Proper readying leads to good classs, while unequal planning consequences in failure. The 3rd solutions are make certain that internet entree is readily available. Study today is dependent on the cyberspace, forum, e-mail and etc as intermediate communicating. The ability to entree library databases and complete research online is the footing of wining. Besides, electronic entree eliminates the demand of passing many hours working on campus, you can analyze from place alternatively. The practical suggestion on manner to cut down job faced by online scholars are job work outing accomplishments. It gives the chance to develop other utile larning accomplishments such as like pattern specific processs and set theoretical usage when develop concluding abilities and creativeness in happening replies. Other method besides like develop scholars understanding of implicit in rules and do research subject in item. Deciding a survey job may travel through the undermentioned phases as like reappraisal of information. Define job, relate available information to the job with design a work program and methodological analysis and proctor results. Promote them to do a scheme for developing their job work outing accomplishments, which could include reexamining their ain effectivity in this country, placing the chief stairss of the job work outing procedure, placing the standards against which to judge the criterion or quality of results, looking at the job in different ways, simplifying it, doing comparings with researching information and confer withing people to set up critical thought, taking and utilizing methods to undertake the job and taking into history factors that may impact job work outing programs entering information in utile manner. 4.0 Decision The job faced by get downing on-line scholars is such as like is in equilibrating the combination of work and instruction. Most of the unfastened and distance instruction pupils are older, have occupations and households, so they are should cognize how to pull off clip decently and which one are the precedence. The 2nd issue is in geting go on-line distance survey wonts. The pupils ‘ mundane environment is really deflecting for most of the pupils. Unlike traditional university pupils who are ever in their acquisition community which supports them most of the clip, on-line distance pupils are non, so they must should do a survey calender so that proper readying leads to good classs, while unequal planning can acquire failure consequence. Online distance scholars besides have a difficult clip in being independent and responsible to their ain ego. All the pupil online scholars have to work out all this job with their ain manner and besides have to take more duty on their survey. T he 3rd issue is jobs in acknowledging and get the hanging strengths and accomplishments. They must besides larn to better themselves in countries they are missing such as composing accomplishments, computing machine accomplishments, English linguistic communication accomplishments because non all accomplishments will be taught by coach. So pupils should happen their ain options to heighten the accomplishments. If you know if this full job can non decide possibly something might go on in the hereafter. For illustration, on-line scholars possibly will neglect with their survey or acquire bad consequence and blow their money and clip to analyze. As pupil online scholars we should hold purpose for success in our survey. Our ends are for every class participant to win, go forth the class looking at the environing universe with the position of a scientist, experience confident utilizing scientific discipline in his or her ain acquisition, and cognize how to back up inquiry-based acquisition in his or her ain schoolroom. 5.0 APPENDIX 1 Distance Learning With the history of distance larning embracing so many different larning environments, we need to happen a definition that fits in all situations.A There have been many definitions put frontward in modern literature.A Greenberg ( 1998 ) defines modern-day distance acquisition as â€Å" a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a broad spectrum of engineerings to make scholars at a distance and is designed to promote learner interaction and enfranchisement of larning †.A Teaster and Blieszner ( 1999 ) say â€Å" the term distance acquisition has been applied to many instructional methods: nevertheless, its primary differentiation is that the instructor and the scholar are separate in infinite and perchance clip †.A Desmond Keegan ( 1995 ) gives the most thorough definition.A He says that distance instruction and developing consequence from the technological separation of instructor and scholar which frees the pupil from the necessity of going to â€Å" a fixed topographic point, at a fixed clip, to run into a fixed individual, in order to be trained †.A From these definitions we can see that the pupil and instructor are separated by infinite, but non needfully by clip. This would include tight picture, which is delivered in existent clip. As stated before, this type of unrecorded picture direction is the fastest turning agencies of distance acquisition today.A Because of this, much of the treatment here will be dedicated to the promises and jobs of this engineering. 5.1 APPENDIX 2 The Reality of Adult Learners Online I was slightly concerned about the pupils and the deficiency of personal attending they would be having through my on-line class. Since I did non cognize them, I did n’t cognize their learning manners or cultural differences. Adult scholars in peculiar have different acquisition manners and cultural backgrounds, and they may experience they are being left out of larning activities ( Baloglu, 2007 ) . Therefore, distance acquisition may do a psychological, every bit good as a physical, spread ( Durrington, Berryhill, A ; Swafford, 2006 ) . Students may experience lonely, and a deficiency of face-to-face communicating and competition can impact their motive. Barriers for grownup scholars are categorized as situational, institutional, and dispositional. A individual ‘s fortunes in life at any given clip are considered possible situational barriers. Different policies and patterns may do class engagement more hard are considered institutional barriers. Students ‘ attitudes about their ain abilities to win are considered dispositional barriers. These barriers present extra obstructions for grownup scholars who attempt to obtain an advanced grade ( Spellman, 2007 ) . I found these grownup scholars, who were instructors, to be motivated and really seasonably in turning in their assignments and posting on Blackboard. Having them complete assignments that benefited their theses made them even more enthusiastic about finishing the work. They all asked inquiries and sought elucidation about things they did n’t understand. They besides did an first-class occupation noticing on the other pupils ‘ stations. By the terminal of the class, I could see a definite betterment in the content of their article ratings. I think they were larning from one another. The grownup scholars I taught were clearly autonomous and able to be independent. They had life cognition and were goal-oriented. It seems they wanted to see the relevancy and application of their instruction, were practical, needful regard, needed feedback, and had to be interested in the capable affair ( Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, 2000 ; Henick, 1994 ) . The grounds adult scholars obtain a post-secondary grade tend to differ from those of traditional pupils. Adult scholars typically want to progress in an organisation. An extra grade besides makes them more marketable and competitory in the occupation market and allows them to alter callings ( Milheim, 2005 ) . How to cite School Of Allied Health Science Education Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Okapi Wildlife Reserve Essay Sample free essay sample
Abstraction The Okapi Wildlife Reserve was given its functionary protected position in 1992 and covers 8. 500 square stat mis of the Ituri rainforest’s 175. 000 square kilometres in the troubled Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Okapi Wildlife Reserve Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The sarcasm is that despite a troubled history marred with civil and tribal agitation. the part is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the African continent. The Ituri consists of lowland tropical woods every bit good as canopied rain forests that harbor an array of vegetations and zoologies found nowhere else. It is besides the place of the legendary Okapia johnstoni which has become the national and moral symbol of non merely the modesty. But salvaging the Okapia johnstoni is non a individual end ; salvaging it means salvaging 1000s of other species as good. The Okapi Wildlife Reserve was given its functionary protected position in 1992 and covers 8. 500 square stat mis of the Ituri rainforest’s 175. 000 square kilometres in the troubled Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . The sarcasm is that despite a troubled history marred with civil and tribal agitation. the part is considered one of the most biologically diverse countries in the African continent. The Ituri consists of lowland tropical woods every bit good as canopied rain forests that harbor an array of vegetations and zoologies found nowhere else ( Jenike. 1995 ) . The Reserve itself has in its protection such familiar rain forest species as Pan troglodytess. elephants. hornbills and about several species of monkeys. But its most outstanding if non elusive occupant is the Okapia johnstoni or theOkapia johnstoni; the lone life relation of the camelopard and sometimes called the forest camelopard. Physically. the Okapia johnstoni is a unusual if non absorbing animal. With chevrons similar to a zebra’s with unusual colouring and markers. it is a diffident and soft animate being which uses its camouflage-like coat to evade gaining control by marauders. It is so elusive and of course quiet that even the native folk of the Congo seldom brush or see one ( GIC. 2002 ) . Because of this rareness and gradualness amid a landscape encroached upon and endangered by assorted elements. oftentimes violent. the Okapia johnstoni has become the national symbol of preservation attempts in the Congo part. Under the flagship enterprise of Gilman International. their Okapi Conservation Project aims to do people around the universe aware that salvaging the Okapia johnstoni and its home ground does non merely intend salvaging one animal ; protecting and continuing the home ground besides means procuring the endurance and saving of 1000000s of other rainforest species of workss and animate beings ( ACF. 2002 ) . The preservation project’s success therefore relies on maintaining the forest ecosystem integral and protected. Human invasions threaten the country Human invasions in the country remain the reserve’s greatest concern. The UNESCO in peculiar has been highly vocal and concerned about go oning clangs in the country between reservess of the Congo Liberation Movement ( MLC ) . its ally the Congolese Rally for Democracy -National ( RCD-N ) . and the RCD-Kisangani-Liberation Movement ( RCD-K-ML ) . Armed warfare has damaged parts of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve which had been inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1996 and on the List of World Heritage in Danger the undermentioned twelvemonth ( Kuntz. 2003 ) . Specific amendss include the robbery of the reserve’s station at Epulu every bit good as the forsaking by the forest Texas Rangers who have been threatened by the reserves doing some of the forest’s species such as elephants vulnerable poaching by the armed groups ( Kuntz. 2003 ) . But human invasion comes for the most portion. from the folk life within and around the country itself. To prolong their day-to-day demands and a turning population. local husbandmans have resorted to damaging cut and burn methods of agribusiness which is easy infringing on forest land. To augment their demands. hunting is besides prevailing and this prevails despite the presence of modesty guards in the country.What protections exist to protect and continue the country? By virtuousness of being an official wildlife modesty every bit good as its inclusion among the top five sites on the List of World Heritage in Danger ( along with the Virunga. Garamba. Kahuzi-Biega and Salonga national Parkss ) the Okapi Wildlife Reserve expects an array of steps and directives from the international community every bit good as private preservation groups designed to protect its resources ( Kuntz. 2003 ) . Leading the manner in these attempts. the UNESCO at the start of the new millenary gathered local and international support to protect the modesty along with the other four endangered heritage sites as portion of its undertaking for the â€Å"Biodiversity Conservation in Regions of Armed Conflict: Protecting World Natural Heritage in the Democratic Republic of the Congo†( Kuntz. 2003 ) . Together with the UN Foundation. the undertaking sought to happen the most important constituent to guarantee that the protection and saving of the modesty is carried out with the best agencies possible which is to beg political support from the authorities of Congo itself every bit good as the remainder of the states involved in the war. In this respect. the authorities of Congo established theInstitute Congolese por le Conservation de Nature( ICCN ) which is tasked with the protection of the vegetations and zoologies of non merely the modesty. but of the full state every bit good. The ICCN works with the Gilman International Conservation to implement security and protection steps within the area- a undertaking that entails a significant budget. Part of the budget has been drawn from the Biodiversity Conservation Program which totaled $ 4. 3 million. but this has since expired when the undertaking reached its completion in 2004 ( GIC. 2002 ) . The remainder of the budget comes from the international community of zoological Parkss which supports the Okapi Wildlife Reserve’s 90 guards every bit good as supplying them with other benefits such as wellness attention and lodging for them and their households. Other of import disbursals include costs for fuel. patrol rations. field and communicating equipment. office supplies. preparation and substructure support ( GIC. 2002 ) . What attempts have been made to further this saving? Preservation in a larger sense is non merely continuing the physical Numberss of the wildlife or works species in inquiry. but takes on a much larger sphere that includes the full ecosystem and of the assorted elements that comprise it. First and foremost is the mission of the preservation undertaking to â€Å"develop an economic and educational base on which a operation okapi modesty can operate†( GIC. 2002 ) . The Gilman International Conservation has created a direction program specifically designed to turn to issues on fostering saving. The undertaking caputs know that saving attempts need so much support from outside groups and in this respect. Gilman has been successful in happening the important support to do its direction program feasible. It has turned the Okapi Conservation Project into a â€Å"model example†of how preservation attempts should be- that their intrinsic success depends non on a individual beginning. but should come from the corporate consciousness and collaborative attempts of all stakeholders. And the stakeholders in this respect are non merely the native peoples of the country. the Congo authorities or preservation groups. but of the full universe every bit good. The undertakings attempts to leave the message that the Ituri rain forest is but a nexus connected to a larger nexus that necessarily includes everyone else ; when that nexus dies. everything else is affected. Other saving attempts are more biological than physical. At present there are merely about 79 Okapia johnstonis in menagerie around the universe. 41 of which are in U. S. establishments and to hike this figure. there are confined genteelness attempts made to carry through this aim ( AZA. 2007 ) . For those who may be against the constructs of menagerie and captured animate beings. these confined attempts have accomplished much in raising the necessary consciousness of the predicament of the Okapia johnstoni and of endangered animate beings in general. Preservation has besides been furthered by assisting the local population. As mentioned earlier. there is the job of the cut and burn method of agribusiness which has reduced indispensable wood land area. Part of the preservation attempts is to implement an agro-forestry plan tasked to assist local husbandmans utilize their existing land ( Lukas. 2007 ) . To stave off runing of endangered species. preservations groups have taught the local people to happen alternate protein beginnings. One of these is the debut of a cane rat domestication plan. Another plan taught locals to make a genteelness pool where they implemented a fish agriculture undertaking which produces Tilapia. a various fish that strains and grows rapidly every bit good as being rather flavourful ( Lukas. 2007 ) . What extra steps to see the saving of the belongings would you suggest? It is ironical that the really people who are blessed with these great natural resources seem to be the 1s least interested in protecting them. It is important to besides observe that finally. the success and continued saving of the preserve depends on the societal and political will of the peoples of the Congo. Can we implement steps which would halt all belligerencies and armed struggle? Realistically. we can seek. but once more. declaration depends on the parties concerned who likely believe that a diffident zebra like animal who is really more of a camelopard. is no large ground for them to put aside their differences. As it is. more than any other prevalent obstruction or job. war does the most harm. During the last civil war. both the people and the wildlife in the country suffered enormously with tonss of elephants. Primatess and other wildlife killed by military personnels who had occupied the modesty. Fortunately. non one Okapia johnstoni was lost during the occupation- still ; something must be done on a degree that would for good maintain any sort of struggle out of the reserve’s confines ( Butler. 2007 ) . Another of import step to see saving of the Okapia johnstoni in peculiar is to let more menagerie to hold more specimens. Part of the key to successfully engender the species is through confined observation and there is presently a deficiency of significant Numberss of the animate being for animal scientists to analyze and detect. What will be lost if invasion goes unchecked? The okapi’s merely natural enemies are carnal marauders such as leopards and parasitic worms which can do it ill and vulnerable. Despite the fact that its elusiveness may hold contributed to its saving. continued invasion into its lone known home ground will surely cut down its Numberss. The current estimations place about 10. 000-25. 000 Okapis left in the wild and all life in the DRC ( AZA. 2007 ) . But as preservation attempts have ever emphasized. the indirect harm is even greater. The Ituri wood is besides place to a host of other species. both works and animate being and all of these are in danger of being lost if invasion. whether deliberate or non. goes unbridled. But more than merely physical Numberss of works and carnal species. what will finally be lost significantly when invasion eventually destroys the Ituri. is our human unity to protect the really ecosystems that we depend on. There is much concern that unstable climactic and geo-physical anomalousnesss are the consequence of human misdirection and so. one wood lost everlastingly to our irresponsibleness may add to an already weakened planetary nexus. Entreaty to the biological diverseness. Of the current estimations puting Okapi Numberss between 10. 000 – 25. 000 in the natural state. about 5. 000 of these are within the modesty itself along with 4. 000 elephants. 2. 000 leopards. 13 primate species and three species of crocodile. But this merely seems to be the tip of the iceberg ; there is a astonishing 1. 500 species of workss and animate beings. The figure of bird species within the modesty is besides important that it is besides a bird preservation site ( GIC. 2002 ) . But it isn’t merely workss and animate beings which contribute to the biological diverseness of the modesty ; the Ituri is besides the place of the Mbuti and Efe pigmies. one of the few staying echt forest people tribes on Earth ( Jenike. 1995 ) . These are the grounds why the Gilman International Conservation along with other concerned groups have established a plan meant to protect and continue the biological and cultural significance of the country considered to be one of the last few topographic points on Earth where human intercession and attention may spell the recovery of a really delicate and of import ecosystem. Mentions ACF ( 2007 ) Okapi preservation undertaking. Retrieved December 20. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. africanconservation. org/ AZA ( 2007 ) Okapi Fact Sheet. Retrieved December 20. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aza. org/ Butler. R. ( 2007 ) Human threats to rain forests. Retrieved December 21. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. mongabay. com/ GIC ( 2002 ) Okapi preservation undertaking. Retrieved December 21. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. giconline. org/okapiproject. htm? id=okapiproject. htm Jenike. D. . Jenike. M. ( 1995 ) A Walk Through a Rain Forest: Life in the Ituri Forest of Zaire. Fraklin Watts. Kuntz. L. I. ( 2003 ) UNESCO alarmed about state of affairs in Okapi Wildlife Reserve in Democratic Republic of Congo. Retrieved December 20. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //portal0. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. org/en/ev. php- URL_ID=8716 A ; URL_DO=DO_TOPIC A ; URL_SECTION=201. hypertext markup language Lukas. J. ( 2007 ) Okapi preservation undertaking. Retrieved December 20. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. wildnet. org/index. htm
Thursday, November 28, 2019
A Cultural Interpretation of Achebes Things Fall Apart essays
A Cultural Interpretation of Achebes 'Things Fall Apart' essays It has been said that our era will see the beginning of a new period in world history, the Age of the Indigenous Peoples, a reassertion of the third worlds identity in reaction to the imperial and colonial expansion which dominated international relations of the past few centuries. With few exceptions, colonialism has wreaked havoc on native peoples, killing or displacing large populations, exploiting resources, demarcating arbitrary national boundaries, and leaving regions economically and politically dependent on former imperial powers. Yet this multicultural contact has also fostered a new global consciousness and facilitated the rise of international institutions that have given political substance to the belief in universal human rights. Already one can see civil wars and popular uprisings throughout the developing world sparked by the unstable mixture of foreign-sponsored despots and democratic or socialist ideas. Meanwhile, historians today are being forced to reexamine funda mental assumptions regarding the European incursion on the rest of the world. To speak of civilizing the primitives or saving the souls of the heathens is not only intellectually naive, such euphemisms are repugnant to the modern sense of morality. Western society faces a critical point in history. Disillusioned with past conquests and faced with unprecedented possibilities for future catastrophe, we must strive for a new understanding of the indigenous cultures so alienated and embittered by our predecessors misconceptions (Achebe vii). Fortunately, real positive change is already in motion. Conscientious individuals are joining together in voicing opposition to state actions, allying themselves with unfamiliar ethnic and religious groups in exotic regions. Out of this cultural ferment, great artists emerge to reveal new truths and new values, and to reaffirm that which is most universal in t...
Monday, November 25, 2019
What Is At The Interest Of The Strong Or Ruler Example
What Is At The Interest Of The Strong Or Ruler Example What Is At The Interest Of The Strong Or Ruler – Coursework Example Socrates View of Justice Lecturer: Justice is closely linked with being fair to other people. Socrates was mostly concerned that injustices were carried out with impunity by the leadership. Specifically, he was concerned that individuals be judged according to the law and regulations that had been laid out. Justice was not meant to be carried out by the desires of the leaders. In the clip, he offers an apology when he was as a member of the Council that was addressing the trial of the body of ten generals who had failed to collect the survivors of the sea battle. He opposed the rest of the committee’s decision of acting against the law. He was not afraid to face death or a prison sentence. Socrates views a government that acts in defiance of its set laws as an unjust government. He also identifies the actions of people who wish to break the laws as injustice. In addition, he argues that it is better to suffer from acts of injustice than to be the cause. He further states that suffering injustice can only cause physical injuries, but it does not hurt one’s character. Doing injustice to others is detrimental to one’s conscience and character (Plato, Grube, & Cooper,65)Socrates places emphasis on negative justice that is not carrying acts of injustice to others. He was not concerned with positive justice that can be defined as seeing that other people get what they rightfully deserve.He identified the need to adhere to set laws especially in times of political turbulence and emergencies. Further, he stressed the importance of avoiding tempting shortcuts to violate liberties and punish wrongdoers without observing their rights. He advised that the due process of law should be followed. ReferencesPlato, Grube, G. M. A., & Cooper, J. M. (2000). The trial and death of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, death scene from Phaedo. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Exam model answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Exam model answer - Essay Example Thus, the current business environment necessitates development of new products that meet the changing requirements of the customers. The market strategy of the business must respond to the system as a whole rather than to one single variable, the product. The emerging new definition of market promotes relationship building with customers and other business partners. British Airways is prime example of relationship marketing. To maintain a competitive advantage, BA has consistently been coming up with different packages for its different customers and has forged alliances with various other business units to improve and improvise its services. It has been evolving new customized services for its different segments and attracting new customers with varying packages that may suit their status, needs and pricing. Thus, while it has special super-class cabins for its rich clients, the common man can also avail the services in economy class. (words: 260) Answer 2 Publics are major constit uents that significantly impact BA’s business strategies.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
CRITICAL REVIEW OF TOURISM STUDIES ARTICLE - Essay Example Utilising man's instinct to travel to make commercial sense has resulted in various governmental and tourism related entities vying for a share of the wallet. Since the penchant for real, genuine, authentic destinations are on the rise, many are being touted as such and aptly exhibited to trigger interests in the tourist. This is called "staging" and this has led to the loss of authenticity. This article deals with how there is a loss of authenticity of the destinations due to the necessity to conform to expectations as perceived by the tourists. "Staged authenticity" involves manipulation of local cultural phenomenon to cater to the expectations of tourists arriving there. This may be in the form of hosting shows to adding cultural expressions and cultural aspects of the local culture that closely align to creating an experience for the tourists. These shows may not necessarily be replicas of the original culture. Tourism can turn local cultures into commodities when religious rituals, traditional ethnic rites and festivals are reduced and sanitized to conform to tourist expectations, resulting in what has been called "reconstructed ethnicity." As long as tourists just want a glimpse of the local atmosphere, a quick glance at local life, without any knowledge or even interest, staging will be inevitable. It leans more towards creating that unique experience than preser ving local culture or involving the locals as a part of that culture and bringing the tourist into the unique world for a glimpse. However, this article also says that while these hyperactive contrived experiences may satisfy a postmodernism oriented tourist, it may fall short when a genuine authentic experience-seeking tourist is in contact with it. The article also argues that though it is important for the experience to be real, often even in the genuine historic sites, it is not possible to recreate accurately every aspect of the past. This is because the past is an immense entity of which we are fortunate to have a glimpse of certain pieces of the puzzle. We will never be able to comprehend in totality of what life was at that point in time. In addition, to make it more viewable to the public, it is often necessary to sanitize the site and provide basic amenities and odour removal so that the tourist is not turned off exploring it. Therefore a minimal amount of doctoring when the lines between the real and the "doctored" are almost invisible, the experience for the tourists is more authentic and satisfying. Once a destination is sold as a tourism product, and the branding of the destination starts duplicating an experience to the tourists that may or may not be exactly what the tourists want. Perception of an experience by the tourists is very individualistic and subjective. This is because each individual perceives an experience differently. While a few staged local shows and a photograph moment with the locals may be sufficient for a certain group of individuals as a long-term memory there are another set of tourists who are disappointed by the lack of true cultural aspects. In conclusion, the article stresses the following points. The definition of "authenticity" is by itself very subjective because how the scholar, researcher and the heritage manager visualize it may be different from how the tourist perceives it. While there are some of
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Construct Surrounding Earnings Management Research Paper
The Construct Surrounding Earnings Management - Research Paper Example There are two types of intentional misstatements which are significant in the auditor’s assessment of fraud. These are (1) misstatements that arise from fraudulent financial reporting, and (2) misstatements that arise from the misappropriation of assets. Classified under the first type are those intentionally false and misleading statements or the omissions of amounts or disclosures that should be included in financial statements. Included in the second type are acts that constitute theft of an entity’s assets which are attended with misrepresentation thereof in the financial statements. Misappropriation of assets includes such acts as ‘embezzling receipts, stealing assets, or causing an entity to pay for goods or services not received’.There are situations where a fine line may be drawn between earnings management motivated by a desire to mislead or misrepresent, and a legitimate resort to management prerogative is being made. As noted by the official docu ment from the Public Oversight Board (2002), in par. 3.10:â€Å"Many of the factors cited in SAS No. 82 are subjective and difficult to assess, and risk factors may exist in circumstances where fraud does not exist. Even when risk factors are present and the auditor’s response to them is not definitively prescribed by the standard, SAS No. 82 states that ‘the auditor’s judgment may be that audit procedures otherwise planned are sufficient to respond to the risk factors.†.... As noted by the official document from the Public Oversight Board (2002), in par. 3.10: â€Å"Many of the factors cited in SAS No. 82 are subjective and difficult to assess, and risk factors may exist in circumstances where fraud does not exist. Even when risk factors are present and the auditor’s response to them is not definitively prescribed by the standard, SAS No. 82 states that ‘the auditor’s judgment may be that audit procedures otherwise planned are sufficient to respond to the risk factors.†(p. 76). Thus it is important to assess whether the actions that may be attribute to earnings management are actually motivated by the intent to defraud, mislead or misrepresent. In this matter, the auditor is admonished to exercise professional skepticism as the general standard of due professional care. This means ‘having an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical assessment of audit evidence’ (par. 3.8, p. 76). The standard requ ires the auditor to take a position that does not assume the management is dishonest on the one extreme, nor that the management possesses unquestioned honesty on the other, but that the auditor should be persuaded by the evidence unearthed by his or her investigation (Public Oversight Board, 2002).. The Motivation behind Earnings Management The foregoing definition notwithstanding, some authors defend some of the actions of corporate management by distinguishing between ‘good earnings management’ from ‘bad earnings management’ (Farag & Elias, 2012, p. 187). Ostensibly, good earnings management implies legitimate business decisions, which effectively stabilized the financial performance of the company, while bad earnings management involves violations of the GAAP. Good
Friday, November 15, 2019
Literature Comparative Analysis
Literature Comparative Analysis An Encounter by James Joyce deals with the theme of a persons yearn for escapism from the monotonous routine of day-to-day life through the tale of a day in which two young boys are miching from school a feeling which most, if not all, people will experience at some point in their lives. In this story, Joyce suggests to the reader that although people yearn for escape and adventure, routine is inevitable, and new experiences, when they do come, can be profoundly disturbing. The author achieves this through his incorporation of ambiguity, epiphany and writing through first person narrative, with inner monologue to highlight the consciousness of the protagonist and also to subtly divulge the feelings of others. The theme of paralysis is key to Joyces work; the notion is inherent throughout Dubliners as a whole. With this idea comes its antithesis escape or, in the case of An Encounter, thwarted escape. It is because of the characters desire to achieve this freedom, that when the day fails to reach its high expectations, the stagnation and restrictiveness of the surroundings are powerfully reinforced. From the outset of the tale, Joyce ponders the notion of escape. Characters searching for such an escape often describe how they would wish to travel afar to achieve it. This feeling is openly exhibited in An Encounter, as Joyces first person narrator states; Real adventures, I reflected, do not happen to people who remain at home: they must be sought abroad. In the story, Joyce develops the theme in the form of an inner monologue the thoughts of the protagonist dictating how his Wild West' adventures opened doors of escape. The thought processes of the boy (relating to escape) are ultimately what drive the tale, quietly conveyed by Joyce through subtle details. An Encounter deals with methods of escape other than exotic foreign adventure found elsewhere in Dubliners, focusing on the attempt of two boys to break out of the weariness of their everyday environment. At first the prospect of adventure excites the young boys, although there is a constant undertone of anti-climax carefully intertwined into the story. Joyce writes from the first person point view, often through the use of analepses, leading to a frequent air of restriction and frustration surrounding the boys. Quite often, Joyce does not commit any impassioned emotion to events, preferring to use lacklustre qualifying adverbs or adjectives: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦We were all vaguely excitedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it was a mild sunny morning. Joyce chooses to focus in on the most insipid details such as the docile horsesthe groaning carts which works to suppress the carefree, exciting experience which the boys see as an escapism from their jaded routine. The negativity which is now apparent in almo st everything encountered appears to be an entrapping agent over the boys, who sulk into a resigned and somewhat resentful state, a state which is furthermore reiterated by the repetition of the adverb too: It was too late and we were too tired to carry out our project of visiting the Pigeon House. Joyce presents Dublin as a city of incapacitation to the young characters. He begins to erase the protagonists claim; I was very happy, from the readers memory, introducing words such as solemn, sedulous and eventually even denotes the characters thoughts as jaded. There is constant repetition of the adjective tired; the day has become tedious, adventure and escape have proved elusive, and the encounter of a sinister old man has confirmed that the protagonist will not find merriment in Dublin, but is instead doomed to live in the fantasies of comic book and literature. However, despite its lack of event, the day does provide the boys with one notable incident through the scene encapsulating the encounter with the old man. Aspirations of escape having been superseded, Joyce begins a new paragraph focusing primarily on the silence and stillness of the situation: There was nobody but ourselves in the fieldwe had lain on the bank for some time without speaking. Through creating such an ominous atmosphere; sentences slowly becoming shorter and more concise with a less picturesque use of vocabulary, signalling new themes to be introduced through the introduction of the curious antagonist. The old man introduces the possibility of in-depth monologue and direct speech. In the conversation with the boys, he seemingly manages to entrap the young protagonist with his reference to literature a topic of known interest to the boy. The monotonous voice of the antagonist and the way his voice slowly circles round and round in the same orbit help to achieve the spellbinding quality of the man. This technique paralyses the narrator, who seemingly allows the man to give a discourse in the form of a monologue mainly due to his apparent inability to interrupt. The politeness evident in the boys character is in hindsight, far from being useful, instead placing the boy in a situation of danger. The worrying feature of the mans discourse is the implicitly perverse way in which he speaks. He frequently refers to the whipping'of young boys with an over-excitable zeal. Joyces primary use of such adjectives as magnetised and circle in reference to his thought process establishes the mans odd approach. This creates the impression that he is intent on the subject. Secondly, a section of reported speech is introduced: When a boy was rough and unruly there was nothing would do him any good but a good sound whippingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ what he wanted was to get a nice warm whipping. Joyce emphasises the mans positive outlook on the subject through the use of positive repetition; of the word good, firstly as a noun, secondly as an adjective, and also use of the adjective nice, which appears somewhat misplaced when used in conjunction with the concept of whipping. The protagonists isolation from intellectuals due to young age and low social class means he is quick to warm to the old man when he talks of literature. In the epiphany, he even appears isolated from his closest friend, Mahoney, and it appears to that the epiphany of the piece (from the young boys perspective) confirms that the older man has had a profound influence on his views. It appears that the isolation of the naÃÆ' ¯ve child has left him susceptible to corruption and the encounter has left the boy and the reader with the realisation that the world is not an innocent place. The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe, like The Encounter, is concerned with entrapment, but unlike Joyces tale, is centred on one individual and the terror he experiences when in isolation. The protagonist, a prisoner subject to the tortures of the Spanish inquisition, is often left thinking of what may be the surrounding atmosphere offering no apparent subjects for the character to focus on. Poe incorporates a feeling of perpetual unease and fear into the thought processes of his first person narrator, leaving the reader in a parallel state of mind as they experience the horror of the protagonists situation. The perspective that the reader is allowed on Poe choosing a first person narrator gives the reader a stronger feeling of isolation due to our constant awareness of the innermost feelings of the protagonist. The narrative does not, unlike a third person perspective, allow the audience to transcend the situation, providing direct access to the horror which is occurring on the page. There is also no direct speech in the story. This fact reinforces the idea of isolation in the way that the protagonist has no need to speak due to absolute solitude. Poes use of highly descriptive language, incorporating frequent use of alliteration and anaphora, escalates the terror and entrapment suffered by the protagonist, focusing heavily on the senses even before the ghastly prospects of the character are realised, resulting in a heightened state of suspense. The odour of the sharp steel forced itself into my nostrils. I prayed I wearied heaven with my prayer for its more speedy descent. I grew frantically mad, and struggled to force myself upward against the sweep of the fearful scimitar. And then I fell suddenly calm, and lay smiling at the glittering deathà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ To accomplish the desired atmosphere for such the tortured fate of the narrator, Poe describes the physical surroundings of the protagonist in some detail. The subterranean world of darkness becomes a perfect agent to carry an unnerving, mystifying atmosphere. Further concern for the protagonist is drawn from the constant reference to his fatigued' state and also the dangerously moist and slippery characteristics of the chamber his elusive surroundings becoming the antagonist of the story in the absence of any other companion. The tension generated relies heavily on Poes use of a sequence of brief sentences as the protagonist encounters The Pit, representing his calm and clear thought even in the throes of fear: I proceeded for many paces; but still all was blackness and vacancy. I breathed more freely. However, as the narrator becomes evermore aware of the horrific situation, Poe mirrors his mounting terror through increasingly complex syntax, resulting in a faster movement of thought and a growing sensation of confusion: The difficulty, nevertheless, was but trivial; although, in the disorder of my fancy, it seemed at first insuperable. Eventually, as the narrator gradually uncovers the secrets of his confinement, a greater sense of danger inside him is realised. Poe displays this through an ever quickening pace and complex sentences. giving the effect of total bemusement and terror. Quite suddenly, with a simple sentence, out of step with the ever-increasing complexity of the syntax the climax of the characters investigation is revealed: I stepped on it, and fell violently on my face. With this inclusion, Poe signals to the reader that the tension has peaked. The fact that the piece is written in the form of a first person narrative suggests that the protagonist is reminiscing about his ordeal, and that ultimately the piece will not end in his death. The narrators salvation is assured when General Lasalle of the French army comes to the rescue. Poe chooses at the end of his tale, unlike the other events of the story, to dramatically reduce proceedings; deciding to summarise the rescue in a short paragraph, in an anti-climatic fashion: The fiery walls rushed back!.. The French army had entered Toledo. Throughout the tale, the narrator maintains the capacity to recount faithfully and rationally his surroundings while also describing his own emotional turmoil. Terrified and alone as the narrator may be, with the pendulum symbolising deaths literal unstoppable sway, he does not lose hope of salvation, instead recruiting his rational senses and using the starved rats for his own benefit. Along with being a tale of horror, it also shows the nature of human resolve in a seemingly impossible situation; faced with horrific trials and the realisation of deaths inevitability, the human beings instinct for self-preservation remains, in itself, an unstoppable force. Alice Munros short story Floating Bridge is a story of domestic realism about learning to accept the tentative nature of human life and an exploration of the many challenges posed by cancer and its arduous, disfiguring treatments. Like Joyces The Encounter, the protagonist has a chance meeting with a stranger with leads them to re-evaluate their outlook on life. Also, like Poes The Pit and the Pendulum, the protagonist is, too, faced with the prospects of both death and salvation. Floating Bridge is written in the first person narrative, the protagonist is a cancer sufferer named Jinny, whose life is divided into the time before the diagnosis and the time after. The understated and restrained language and rhythm of the prose, suggesting Jinnys resigned acceptance of her illness and her impending death, is sustained throughout, even though at the very beginning of the story, Jinny has learned that her cancer has entered a stage of remission. Because she has already accepted the relative freedom from responsibility that knowledge of her incurable disease gave her, she shows no exuberance at this new knowledge that she has more time than she thought she did. On the day in which the story is set, the doctor has told her that there is reason for cautious optimism, but this does not make Jinny feel better. Before, she was relatively sure of her future, knowing that she had little time left in her life. This new information forces her to go back and start the year all over again, removing a certain low-grade freedom from her life. The new knowledge has removed a dull, protecting membrane she did not even know was there and leaves her feeling raw and vulnerable. Since learning of her illness, she has felt a kind of unspeakable excitement that results when a disaster releases one from responsibility for her life. Now that is gone and a feeling of apathy remains. She reflects on a time she left her husband, Neal, briefly to sit in a bus shelter near her home, reading graffiti on the wall and identifying with people who have left messages there. When she returns home, she asks Neal if he would ever have come after her, and he says: Of course. Gi ven time. Neals detached attitude toward Jinny and his cavalier treatment of her despite her life-threatening illness is an undercurrent that runs throughout the story. Part of Jinnys emotional turmoil at the time of the story stems from Neals excited reaction to Helen. He becomes more animated, enthusiastic, and ingratiating around her, as he often does around other people. Helen has a fresh out-of-the-egg look, and Jinny thinks that everything about her is right on the surface, which gives her an innocent and disagreeable power. Neal teases Helen, his whole being invaded with silly bliss. It is not that Neal desires Helen; rather, it is that her innocence and simplicity seem a welcome relief from the complexity of Jinnys situation. When they arrive at the trailer park where Helens foster parents live, they are invited in, but Jinny wants to stay outside. There is a strong feeling of isolation or the time that Jinny is waiting for Neal to return; he has accepted the invitation while Jinny, his sick wife, is left alone, tired and overly hot from the daytime temperature. The meeting of seventeen-year-old Ricky creates a similar reaction in Jinny as to her husbands feelings towards Helen. There appears to be an instant chemistry between the pair. A sense of connection is established when they discover that they both choose not to wear a watch. It seems in Jinnys sense of isolation, something as mundane as this is enough to cling to. In contrast to her husband, Ricky shows simple consideration to her by offering her a ride home. It is then that Munro takes the reader away from realism and introduces an almost magical element with Rickys innocent simplicity in his desire to show her the floating bridge where he takes his girlfriends, allowing the reader and Jinny herself to forget momentarily about her illness and the self-consciousness she feels over her baldness; his kiss providing an innocent acceptance of her, regardless of these things. When Jinny is on the floating bridge, she imagines that the road is a floating ribbon of earth, underneath which is all water. After the kiss, Jinny thinks of Neal getting his fortune told, rocking on the edge of his future, and accepts the tentative nature of her own future, feeling a lighthearted compassion for Neal. Rickys interest serves to remind her that she is still alive and capable of adventure and secrets. The most problematic subject of the story is Neals treatment of Jinny, which seems, if not cruel, at least unfeeling. The reader may feel he is much too excited by the presence of the young girl Helen and much too indifferent to Jinnys plight. However, there is nothing to suggest that he does not love Jinny. . He, too, is on a shifting floating bridge, trying to find something to cling to, even if it is of such little substance as an innocent young girl who is healthy and sound. Similarly, there is nothing to suggest that the young man, Ricky, at the end of the story has any desire for Jinny. In contrast to the messy complexity of her life, his kiss is the epitome of innocent acceptance, instilling in her a tender-hearted sort of compassion. The storys structure plays a balancing act similar to that required of walking on a floating bridge. The firmness of solid ground is only an illusion; all around lies the danger of loss of self. However, even though the bridge seems to be shiftin g and tentative, it is sufficient if one is content to live in the realm of the unsure. Munros story effectively reflects this tentative and delicate balancing. In all three stories which I have detailed, it is the writers subject matter and careful narrative technique which enrich our reading of them, allowing the reader not only pleasure and entertainment, but to view their lives more clearly. To enable the reader to truly engross themselves in a work of fiction, the story must be intellectually challenging and appeal to our senses and our own life experience. Joyce, Poe and Munro propitiously accomplish this, proving themselves as true masters of their art.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Evaluating the Impact of Tourism in England Essay -- UK, Britain
Tourist Count During our visit to Ashridge Estate, we carried a tourist count on two honey pot locations known as Bridgewater Monument and Ivinghoe Beacon. 1 out of the 4 groups that visited Ashridge carried out the tourist count as we did not want to hassle the tourists. A member from the group stood at an area in both locations and took a count of the amount of teenagers, adults, OAP’s, family groups and children there were. The information was then tallied onto a table. From this, we will compare the results collected to previous years (2004-2005). The comparison will be useful as it will allow us to analyse the information to see whether there is a correlation between the number of tourism and the hypothesis. If the number of tourists has decreased, then good; less damage done to the wildlife and environment. However, if the number of tourists increased, it may also suggest that the negative impacts have likewise increased. Some of the negative impacts may be footpath erosion; more tourists use the footpath resulting in more damage, Littering; animals may eat the litter which could harm them and also the air/noise pollution created via tourist transportation; affects the air quality and environment of the local wildlife. As we took the tourist count, we categorized the tourists into age groups. The reason for this was to see which age group was more likely to have a negative impact in Ashridge. Children and teenagers for example tend to be more energetic in comparison to OAP’s, doing more active activities that could harm the local wildlife and environment e.g. football; sports. Whilst OAP’s are more passive and less energetic doing activities that are less likely to harm the wildlife and environment e.g. bird watching. So... see whether they were affected by tourism. On the sketch we took detailed annotations to help us visualize the problems we saw such as footpath erosion, debris materials scattered, deep rutted soil and other negative impacts. From this we could see the difference in both footpaths ((un)managed) to see which one was more affected by tourism. The problem with the field sketches was that whilst we were drawing, it was really windy which subsequently distracted us, so there may have been some mistakes. Also, some of the pupils from the groups found it difficult to draw what they saw, so the sketches may also not have been accurate and reliable. We could improve our drawings by taking a camera to capture accurate photos that will give us reliable results. From the pictures we would be able to recall the features of the footpaths we saw in order to help our fieldwork.
Monday, November 11, 2019
60’s Fashion Research Paper
Michele Figueroa 04-07-11 Research In the 1960’s there were several types of fashion types like: the Mods, the rockers, the oh-so-famous hippies,-the futuristic space age-ers, the school girl baby dolls, the â€Å"Chanel†wearers , and of course the optical art dressers! So as you can see there are LOTS of fashion types that started in the 60’s. Even some looks we still use today, only slightly modified. To help you better understand the styles of the 160’s, I will break down each type of style for you. The Mods dressed in a minimalist themed type style. They seemed to believe in the motto â€Å"less is more†. On a regular basis their dress code consisted of: polo shirts, drainpipe trousers, turtleneck sweaters/shirts, and suede shoes. A very big designer for the Mods was Mary Quaint. Enough about the Mods though, let’s go into the Rockers! Rockers were considered the â€Å"cool kids. †They enjoyed wearing studded leather jackets, jeans and winklepickers. Winklepickers are pointy leather shoes with metal buckles on them. Now onto the next style, The Babydoll/school girl look. This is the look that we call the current â€Å"girly-girl†look. The Babydoll look is made up of long-waisted pinafore dresses with belts at hip level, pleated or flared skirts that stopped at the mid thigh, thigh high mini-dresses that were made out of sheer fabrics. The mini-dresses were usually paired with a maxi-coat and mid-calf boots. Many people tried to take credit for the Babydoll look but the true creator of this look was Andre Courreges. Another one of Andre Courreges’s famous styles was the space age fad! This look was created out of :glittery catsuits, astronaut helmets ,space-like colored dresses, coats, and suits. And no we go from astronaut helmets to pillbox hats. That’s right the famous Coco Chanel who started the gilt chained handbag that was and still is popular ! Coco Chanel is the designer who influenced several old stars fashion taste. For example former first lady, Jackie Kennedy! Coco’s most famous pieces were her knee-length skirts, square toed pumps, chunky pearl necklaces, collarless cardigans, pillbox hats , and her betron hats. Her outfits were mostly worn to events like office and cocktail parties . Now so far I have been mostly explaining the styles of the 1960’s women but fear not for I will now tell about them 1960’s men’s styles! In the 1960’s the absolute biggest men’s style icon were The Beatles. The â€Å"4 apostles†made a huge impact on men with their tight-fitting trouser sand famous signature jackets! The Beatles fashion trends led to style fads like paisley suits, Hip-hugging pants, and rainbow colored shirts. Now here is a style that went pretty much world famous that originated in the 1960’s†¦. The Hippy style! Hippies were big on what the did but we known just as well as for what they dressed in. The Hippies dressed in very loose fitting clothes. Hippy girls wore shawls, peasant blouses, long skirts (all of which had to be bright colorful patters)Hippy boys wore mostly bell bottoms, paisley and flower print clothes, and ethic clothing. Oddly enough sometimes hippies went shirtless and painted their bodies to adorn themselves with bright designs and flowers and to them the wilder the design the better! So now we have come to an end, you can go out and tell the world that you are officially an expert in 1960’s style! J
Friday, November 8, 2019
Literary Analysis Night Essay Example
Literary Analysis Night Essay Example Literary Analysis Night Essay Literary Analysis Night Essay Essay Topic: Survival in Auschwitz â€Å"Right next to us the high chimney of the crematory oven rose up. It no longer made any impression on us. It scarcely attracted our attention.†(Pg.109) A fifteen year old boy named Elie Wiesel and his family were taken from their home by German officers. They were being taken along with other Jews to concentration camps or most likely their death and they didnt even know it. Night describes Elies life at the concentration camp and symbolizes darkness. He writes about how his mother and sister were taken from him, his beatings, how he and his dad’s relationship got better, and how he survived all those years. Elie is brave, caring, scared and a survivor throughout the book. Location: Auschwitz: â€Å" God is testing us. He wants us to find out whether we can dominate our base instincts and kill satan within us. We have no right to despair. And if he punishes us relentlessly,its a sign that he loves us all the more.†(Pg.53) The setting changed often being movedfrom camp to camp. The more cruelty made Elie lose faith in God. Each time the Jews were taken somewhere new they changed personality. It was each man for himself. Sons killing their fathers for a piece of bread. â€Å"Meir, meir, my boy dont you recognize me? I’m your father you’re hurting me you’re killing your father! I’ve got some bread.. for you too for you too†(Pg.105) Sons were abandoning their fathers for their own survival.Elie prayed that he never did that to his father. The Jews went days without food and would just about anything for it. â€Å"Wild beasts of prey, with animal hatred in their eyes; an extraordinary vitality had seized them, sha rpening their teeth and nails.†(Pg.105) Elie no longer had faith in God, he asked why this was happening and how God could let it happen. â€Å"And, in spite of myself, a prayer rose in my heart, to that God in whom I no longer believed. My God, Lord of the universe, give me strength to never do what Rabbi Eliahou
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Primary Health Care The WritePass Journal
Primary Health Care Primary Health Care INTRODUCTION Aspect of discussionMAINLY DIABETES IS OF TWO TYPESSIGNS AND SYMPTOMEPIDEMIOLOGICAL OVERVIEWCOMPLICATIONSCONTROLING MEASURES SCREENING AND PREVENTION:TREATMENTOVERVIEWS ON THIS TOPICREFFERENCES Related INTRODUCTION Primary health care is the first care which is mainly provided by GP practices, dental   practices,   community pharmacies and spec saver  opticians. 90% people  contact   with primary care services. Primary  health  care  providers  refer  the  patients  to secondary  care  services  which  needs  special  medical  care. Secondary care service provided by medical specialists who generally don’t have first contact with patients, care is mainly provided by hospitals and clinics. Tertiary care refers to those services which are highly technical and special services mostly provided by private medical professionals. It includes intensive care units and advanced diagnostic support services. Aspect of discussion (DIABETES) I would like to discuss on the most common disease that is diabetes mellitus which is one of the fastest growing disease in this era. It is a complex metabolic disorder in which a person has high blood sugar. It may be resulting from defects in insulin secretions or insulin action. In this condition blood has a high level of glucose because body cannot use it in right way. Pancreas produces certain types of hormones and enzymes which helps to digest food and regulates blood glucose. These are produced by tiny cells known as islet on Langerhans. Most of the cells are beta cells which produce and store insulin. Also locate the alpha cells which produce and store glycogen. Glycogen counteracts the effect of insulin. After taking a meal carbohydrates in the meal converted into the glucose in the intestine and in liver and then enter the blood stream. After that beta cells sense the glucose level in the blood stream and secrete insulin. But because of any dis-functioning when pancreas doe s not produce any insulin and allows glucose to enter the body cells is called diabetes. It may be hereditary or mostly occurs in over 40 age-group people. Figure 1 The normal level of glucose in our body is: Category Minimum level Maximum level Fasting 70mg/dl 100mg/dl Random 70mg/dl 125mg/dl MAINLY DIABETES IS OF TWO TYPES Type 1 occurs when body fails to produce insulin and the person needs to inject insulin it is called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. In type 2 cell fails to use insulin properly it is called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women, in this type blood glucose level become high during pregnancy then it may lead to development of type 2 diabetes. SIGNS AND SYMPTOM  Both types have similar signs 1.  Polyuria 2.  Polydipsia 3.  Polyphagia 4.  Fatigue 5.  Blurred vision 6.  Feeling of numbness 7.  Dry itchy skin 8.  Slow healing of cuts and wounds 9.  Genital itching EPIDEMIOLOGICAL OVERVIEW Worldwide many people suffer from diabetes. 2.8% population has this disease its number increases rapidly. InUKnumber of people diagnosed has increased by more than 150,000.The data from GP practices shows that one in twenty of population is treated for diabetes and one in ten for obesity which is the main reason of diabetes. InLuton9,000 peoples registered with GP who have diabetes. In this 4.3% are men and 5.0% are women and it is estimated that 350 new cases are found every year related to diabetes. COMPLICATIONS 1. Heart disease and stroke 2. Nerve damage 3. Retinopathy 4. Kidney disease 5. Joint pain 6. Foot problems 7. Hypoglycemia 8. Visual impairment 9. Sexual dysfunction 10. Miscarriage and stillbirth 11. Amputation CONTROLING MEASURES Self-care is essential. Always eat notorious food. Take regular exercise. Regular check -up of urine for albumin is important to manage diabetes. Weight management programs for adults and children Keep your weight under control Never smoke. Take medicine at time and if there is need to check sugar then learn how to check. Take sugar free diet which is available. By taking these minor things in mind one can control diabetes. SCREENING AND PREVENTION: Screen tests are vital for diabetic complications i.e. foot examinations, retinopathy screening, and retinopathy symptoms. Good balanced diet is also helpful. Physical activities should be increased, keep your diabetes under control, eyes, feet, skin, teeth and gums should be keep healthy TREATMENT Type1 of diabetes is always treated with insulin injections. Type2 mainly requires healthy balanced diet, good exercise, physical activities to lose weight, some people need medication or insulin injection to get normal glucose level. Insulin can be given in different ways. It is of six types. Health care team decided which type is effective for a patient. Insulin is given via an injection, by use of a syringe, pen device or by using an insulin pump. Mainly it is given under skin (subcutaneously) it may be administer in the stomach, thighs and in                                                                                                                                          upper arms. When insulin is injected it is absorbed by blood vessels, then reaches in the bloodstream. Some medicines are also used to control glucose level. The best treatment is to adopt healthy lifestyle and early detection of disease. In my area people are served in easy ways nurse is the first who would know the history of patient. There are some other resources for diabetic patients: 1. Support groups 2. Supporting membership 3. Care line and advocacy 4. Languages Centre 5. Insurance These services offer advice, provide support, information, care events, latest research news and share experiences with group of diabetic patients as well as to their friends and family members. It is very easy, first patient comes to GP when he recognizes the symptom of diabetes. They ask the patient about his family history, signs of experience etc. Then they will take urine and blood sample. They check it for glucose level; if urine contains glucose then blood test for glucose is essential. Fasting blood sample is most reliable to check diabetes. Oral glucose tolerance test is also available for the patients whose blood glucose level is not high enough for GP to diagnose diabetes. Urine test for glucose level is simple and takes few minutes, on the other hands in FBS cases the patient has to go GP earlier with empty stomach but in OGT test the patient have to wait for some hours because they have drink a glucose drink after that in every half an hour or two hours blood tests are taken for testing how the body is reacting with glucose. In this type of test the patient have to wait for some hours but this type of test is taken in rare cases. As everybody knows that diabetes is not a cure able disease, it can be controlled by medication or by injecting insulin. The patient who is receiving the care should know the clinical qualities to improve the health by taking the preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative measures like eat healthy food. Take regular exercise to reduce body weight, should not smoke because it induces vasoconstriction, and take regular treatment and checkup to control glucose level people with diabetic have to follow guidelines and clinical care. These are designed to access self-education and management, It is the only nurse who comes to contact with patient. She makes good interpersonal relationship with him. She advices the patient about meal plan and explain procedures of insulin for self- injection. She tells him to eat carbohydrate diet before exercise. She taught to assess feet, hands, soft tissue injuries, dryness of skin so the patient can identify the symptoms. Every nurse should have through knowledge and good experience to satisfy the patient. The evidence based knowledge tells NHS all knowledge and direct experience which they have to consult. InLuton, most of people are Asian and Europeans. They have mostly this kind of disease; they did not know well English so in this area there are multilingual nurses who help health care services in identifying diabetic patients. She speaks with them in their own language and detects their problems. This is also helpful to educating people about sign and symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention, facilities given and to supporting. She told them if they have related signs she took a finger prick it is early detection to identify diabetes. Then she reports to nearby GP and patient get treated in best way. OVERVIEWS ON THIS TOPIC It is clear that the care provisions to diabetic patients are excellent and fit for its purpose. Nursing interventions are good and helps the local people to maintain their health. Patients of this disease get accurate treatment and well supported by care providers. If patients follow right instructions then they are able to get control on this disease. It is not one sided work in this both patients and care centers co-ordination is necessary. An experienced and qualified nurse is always required for excellence service provision because sometimes patients are diagnosed wrongly. The main care is started from GP and its provision is fit for patient care which is its main purpose. REFFERENCES 1)    ABC of Diabetes, First edition 2002 (Author â€Å"Peter.J.Watkins†) 2)    Care of people with Diabetes- A manual of nursing practice, Edition 2009 (Auther â€Å"Trisha Danning ). 3) 4)    Figure 1:-
Monday, November 4, 2019
Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage - Essay Example When a state refuses or bans same-sex marriage, it is being discriminatory and is in violation of the 14th Amendment, which requires each state to provide equality in law for all of its people (Urbina). This includes marriage regardless of the genders of those in the couple. California’s Proposition 8, a proposition that denies gay couples the right to marry, goes against the protection of equal rights that the 14th Amendment offers to all American citizens. Likewise, the 1st Amendment is also in violation when gay couples are denied marriage, as the amendment speaks for the separation of church and state (â€Å"Religion’s Role†). According to Geoffrey Stone, numerous polls have revealed that there is a strong correlation between the passing of Proposition 8 and particular religious beliefs. In passing Proposition 8, religion should not have been taken into consideration or allowed influence over opinions. The most logical and obvious reason that people oppose sa me-sex marriage is because of religious beliefs and biblical arguments, which really are not enough to prove why gay marriages should not be allowed.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Why are policies in Germany so difficult to reform Essay - 2
Why are policies in Germany so difficult to reform - Essay Example Therefore, it is not surprising that constitutional considerations have decisively influenced the reform process. Nonetheless, the fundamental law is threatened with internal and external challenges that threaten to destabilize its significance in the long term. Germany in a long time has been considered an example of the central welfare regime and its political bodies favor the policy status quo, Stiller (2010) states. Hence, finding reforms in Germany is at odds with anticipated patterns of change in domestic policy. Conferring to a senior German political observer, change in domestic policy typically needs a longer period of planning, is usually incremental in nature, and occasionally borders on an institutional inertia degree. Opponents describe this as immobilization of policy. The perspective of the policy implies that, the country has been struggling to carry out essential reforms. However, those passed reforms that have given tend to be incremental adjustments that do not adequately address the underlying problems (Stiller, 2010). Longtime welfare state stability of Germany becomes even more puzzling if one considers the combination of pressures for reform. They comprise of obstinately high rates of unemployment and sluggish growth of the economy. Others include the comparatively high tax burden on labor and adverse demographic trends together with the rapid aging of the populace, and moderately low rates of fertility (Stiller, 2010). The institutional environment, mostly defined the labor market reforms challenge in Germany during the early 2000s. There were significant potential veto players involved in the policy process. They were given the heterogeneity of political parties in Germany and divided control of the state parliament. There was also the complexity of German federalism and the strong tradition of rendering
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
1.Compare and contrast two perspectives on the idea that commercial Assignment
1.Compare and contrast two perspectives on the idea that commercial mass media provide a marketplace of ideas - Assignment Example rence is that, in a neoliberal society, in addition to the dominant elite controlling the message, there is also a message to the mass audience that the neoliberal tenants – that deregulation, private enterprise and low taxes are all good, as are income and wealth disparities – are the tenants that should be present in society. In contrast, the opposite views, the progressive views, that higher taxes should be pursued, government should be expanded, wealth should be more evenly distributed, and businesses should be firmly regulated, are all beliefs which would presumably harm the free market system and the corporations that make up the free market system, therefore these are the tenants which are disparaged in a neoliberal society. At any rate, under either of these ideas, there is not a free exchange of ideas, because the messages are so controlled by dominant forces. This essay will examine the two schools of thought – political economists and neoliberals †“ and show how each of these schools of thought leads to a mass media that does not disseminate ideas so much as it creates propaganda for the ruling elite. Political economists, according to Brenkman (1979) are in line with Karl Marx, as his critique of the bourgeois economy was known as political economy. The basis for Marxism, at least in the classical sense, is that the economic base determines everything else that occurs in the superstructure of the social, political and intellectual consciousness of a given society. Thus, the culture industries, including commercial media, would be examined in this light, in terms of the economic determinations. This would mean that the media and the messages that are disseminated throughout a society are determined by the economic base of the organization that produces them (Chandler). The political economist looks at large economic structural forces, and how the mass media is associated with this (Havens et al., 2009). Thus, for example, in a very crass way, Fox
Monday, October 28, 2019
How Piagets theories support universal preK in the US Essay Example for Free
How Piagets theories support universal preK in the US Essay Jean Piaget is famous for developing one of the most influential theory, the theory of cognitive development. The theory is mainly concerned with the construction and emergence of schemata which comprises the schemes of how a person does perceive the world especially during the developmental stages when the children are gaining new means of mentally expressing information. The theory is considered constructivist in opposition to other theories which could be either nativist or empiricists, (Brainerd, C. 1978). The theory proposes that we do get to construct our cognitive abilities through the self-motivated action in ones world. The nativist theory on the other hand asserts that cognitive development is the unfolding of innate abilities and knowledge while empiricist theories defines cognitive development as a gradual process in which knowledge is acquired through experience, (Brainerd, C.J. Reyna, V.F 2002). For this theory, Piaget won the Erasmus prize. There are four main periods that Piaget used to describe the schemes that children make use of to understand the world, (Gallagher, J.M. Reid, D.K. 1981). Four stages as described by Piaget’s. Sensorimotor period. This occurs at the age of 0 to 2 years, (Piaget, J. 1929). According to Piaget, children are born with a congenital reflexes which permits them to float in the dense world beyond their drive to explore the world around them. The initial schemes that the children have at this stage is all based on the differentiation of their congenital reflexes. Since this is the first of the four stages according to Piaget it marks an important stage in which the child develops spatial abilities to understand the world in six different stages, (Piaget, J. 1929). These stages include; †¢ The reflex scheme stage that takes place from birth to one month. It is primarily associated with the development of reflexes. †¢ Primary circular reaction stage is the second stage that occurs from one month to four month. It is primarily associated with the development of habits. †¢ The secondary circular reactions phase forms the third stage. It occurs from the fourth month to the eighth month and is primarily associated with the development of vision and prehension coordination, (hand-eye coordination). †¢ The fourth sub stage is concerned with the development of the object permanence development. It is generally called the coordination of secondary course round modest circular reactions stage and occurs from the eighth month to the twelfth month. †¢ The tertiary circular reactions phase is what Piaget suggested to the fifth sub stage from twelve to eighteen months. This is the stage that Piaget suggested that the ‘little scientist’ is born through active creativity and experimentation. †¢ The sixth final sub stage here is characterized by the beginning of symbolic representation and it occurs from the eighteen months to twenty four months. At this stage the new found means of considering before taking an action gives the child new ways of eventually achieving a goal without having to go for the trial and error experiment, (Gallagher, J.M. Reid, D.K. 1981). preoperational stage This is the second of four main stages of cognitive development. Piaget demonstrated that a qualitative psychological functioning does occur as the child approaches the end of second year. According to Piaget, a preparatory thought is any particular procedure that promotes mental action on objects. The main hallmark in this stage is logically inadequate and sparse mental operations, (Flavell 1963). It is at this stage that the child learns to repress and use objects by words and images, that is symbolic thinking is evident. Since the child still has difficult of adopting other people’s viewpoint, thinking is still egocentric. It as it this stage that the child has the potential to classify similar objects together trough a single feature such as color or shape, (Brainerd, C. 1978). Piaget suggested that this stage which immediately follows Sensorimotor stage occurs between 2-7 years of stage. It at this stage that children develop their language skills and thus they begin expressing things using images and words. Worth noting here is the child relies more on intuition that the logical reasoning at this stage. At the beginning, there are more egocentric since they are not yet aware that other people are not thinking or perceiving things in the same way like they do. It at this time that their imaginative mind is very active and they thus associate emotions to certain inanimate objects, (Piaget, J. 1929). This stage is further broken down into Preconceptual stage and the Intuitive stage. The Preconceptual stage occurs at the stage of 2-4 years and is mainly characterized by egocentric thinking as well as animistic thought. A child with animistic thought is one who has the tendency to assign attributes of living things to inanimate objects such as the perception that a glass does feel pain when it is broken. The intuitive stage that occurs between the forth year to the seventh year is characterized by the potential child who is actively solving problems through the mental process. Though at this stage they do manage to achieve some goals, they are however unaware on how they achieved their conclusion. A simple example is when a child is able to correctly identify the majority from the minority just by the virtual of sight. An example is when a child is presented with seven dogs and maybe 2 cats and he/she is asked if there are more dogs that cats. As expected the child would respond positively but will also commit a logical error if supposedly asked the same question in the same way but differently such as if there are more dogs that animal, (Brainerd, C. 1978). The child will most likely respond by saying yes thus showing the use intuition at this stage. An important observation by Piaget is that children mainly learn through play and imitation through these first two stages, (Gallagher, J.M. Reid, D.K. 1981).. Concrete operational stage This is the third of the four stages in Piaget’s cognitive development theory. It follows preoperational stage and is suggested to occur between the age of 7 to 11 years, (Piaget, J. 1929). It is characterized by the appropriate use of logic and at this stage some of the important processes that have been identified include; †¢ Seriation, which is the ability to sort different objects based on shape, size or other characteristic. A good example is the potential to differentiate color gradient. †¢ Classification-the ability of the child to identify and name sets of objects based on size, appearance as well as other characteristics that may suggest that one object may include another. †¢ Decentering-this is a process where the child is able to take into account multiple aspects of a problem towards solving it. An example is the change in perception where a child will no longer will no longer hold the perception that an exceptionally wide yet short cup will hold less amount that one that is normally tall and wide. †¢ Reversibility-where the young one is able to comprehend that objects and numbers can be altered and eventually returned back their original state. Thus the child will be able to comprehend that since 3+3= 6, then 6-3=3. †¢ Conservation- the ability to understand that length, quantity or number of items is basically mot related to their appearance or arrangement. †¢ Elimination of egocentricim- this is the ability of the child to understand and view things from another perspective even though they may think incorrectly. Formal operational stage This is the fourth and the final stage in cognitive development according to Piaget’ theory. It starts at around 12 years of age soon after the Concrete Operational stage and continues all the way to adulthood, (Ashurst 1985). It is the stage that is characterized with the ability to reason logically, think abstractly, and be able to draw conclusions from the available information. It is at this young adult stage that one is able to understand such aspects as logical proofs, love and values. Some biological factors can be traced during this stage as it occurs during puberty thus marking the entry into adulthood in cognition, physiology, moral judgment (Kohlberg), psychosocial development (Erikson) and psychosexual development (Freud). It is estimated that approximately two-thirds of all the people fail to develop this type of reasoning fully for it to become their normal cognition mode and thus they remain as operational thinkers even as adults, (Flavell 1963). The above four stages have some general observation. One is that though they may vary in time, sequence does not change, (Brainerd, C. 1978). The stages also apply to thought and not to children and they universal thus they cannot be associated with any culture. Shortcoming to Piagetian stage theory. There are several challenges that have been put froth against Piagetian theory some of which even Piaget himself has noted such as the fact that development does not have to progress in such as the smooth manner that his theory has proposed. His theory is a general one since it suggests that cognitive maturation occurs across different aspects of knowledge such as logic, mathematics, language among others, (Gallagher, J.M. Reid, D.K. 1981). Application of Piagetian theory Most of the educators as well as psychologists do manage to receive piagetian theory training during their professional training. A piagetian assessment is more likely to be a familiar concept among the psychologists who work in those districts that carry out alternative assessment of cognitive ability on regular basis. A good example are the psychologists at the Southern California Diagnostic Center who do make use of the Ordinal Scale more in depth during a Piagetian assessment. For most of these psychologists, a Piagetian assessment is like a departure from the standardized intelligence testing. The standardized intelligence tests that are available usually diagnose the student’s academic achievement expectancy and it may usually take considerable amount of time and thus may not be done for more than one year. This thus limits the tests for use during short term interventions such as pre-test or post-test. More to this is that standardized cognitive tests quantify a students power or strength of abilities or processing but unfortunately the quantification does not precisely predict the intervention method that are most likely applicable or useful, (Flavell 1963). A curriculum-based measurement (CBM) can be done several times within a year by the school psychologists as a pretest or post-test on how effective the intervention is. Unfortunately, CBM does not provide details of why the intervention may or may not be successful nor does it serve as a diagnostic tool for the instructional modifications. On the other hand, Piagetian screening can be useful in giving instructional interventions especially incases to do with comprehension or math concepts, (Piaget, J. 1929). Piagetian theory gives the stage wise development of qualitative means of developing thinking from one stage to the next. Through this understanding it is possible to understand more easily why students experience learning difficulties. Thus Piagetian screening does provide an avenue of quickly estimating a student’s cognitive development level, (Ashurst 1985). In a summary thus, one can point to Piagetian tasks as signposts that indicate the level or stage that a child of a particular age is functioning. Thus it is important to understand that teaching a child certain specific tasks does not in any way change the development stage of the child. Thus these signpost are useful when developing accommodations and modifications that do support a match between a Childs a curriculum with his/her cognitive processing ability. Necessary interventions for a child curriculum especially at the age of 4. Most of the children usually do encounter difficult math problems. Piagetian theory can be used to explain the appropriate interventions that can be adopted and especially at the age of four. For a student to effectively understand the mathematical concepts of simple subtraction and addition, there is need for him/her to acquire the concept of conservation of numbers. A child who is yet to attain conservation of number concept can still be able to perform, state or memorize various procedures such as subtraction or addition but may most likely be confused with the same concepts weeks, days or even hours later. The main reason for this is that information is stored as verbatim representations and the gist representations, (Brainerd, C. 1978). The modern theories of memory suggest that memory is stored as verbatim (exact input), or gist (concepts) and these representations of memory are accessed independently. Thus a child who has not yet attained the conservation of number rarely has the conceptual framework that is needed for a one-to-one correspondence since they lack the conceptual framework, (Gallagher, J.M. Reid, D.K. 1981).. At a later time when the child is not able to accurately carry out math operations, an impression of memory deficit may most likely be the first impression. But the main problem maybe that the child has not yet attained the developmental stage that is required to understand the mathematical concepts. It is in such circumstances that the child may only store verbatim memories and fail to do the same for the conceptual knowledge, gist memory. Necessary interventions in this case suggest that one ought to be very sure that the concrete operations level is emerging. If this is not the case, the child may most likely be in the pre-operational thinking stage which is also the intuitive level. The necessary interventions can be aimed at helping the child accelerate moving from intuitive stage towards the concrete stage. A good example is at the age of four, which is generally regarded as the stage of ‘why’ where the course-effect thinking is learnt in details. Worth noting is that some of the primary school-age children whom have not yet attained the level of being intuitive thinkers usually get on to ‘why stage’ one or two years later and may thus have not had the opportunity of having the questioning behavior reinforced, (Flavell 1963). Students are also known to experience problems with comprehension. The frequent complaint are usually at the 4th grade all the way to the eighth grade. The difficult maybe complex but with the application of Piagetian theory it is possible to determine whether the student did manage to attain the necessary developmental stages to be able to comprehend different concepts that do involve some partially overlapping sets of information. Though the international model age for attaining classification task as age 9, an upward variance is usually observed. Most of the upper elementary science, literary concepts and social sciences involve also mental manipulation. Usually students gain the attention of the school psychologists due t issues that are associated social behavior.
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